Informacje o kursie

Pakiet VIP zajęcia indywidualne

Minimalna liczba lekcji – 10

Intensywność: do ustalenia.

Dni i godziny: do uzgodnienia.


Opłata za 60 min – 150 zł 


Uwaga! Niniejsza oferta jest zaproszeniem do zawarcia umowy w rozumieniu art. 71 Kodeksu Cywilnego.

The course provides students with the academic skills and language necessary for university study. Aimed at students of all disciplines. The course develops academic language and critical thinking skills essential in academic contexts. Both levels (intermediate + and advanced) introduce students to the characteristics of written and spoken academic texts.

The DVD used at the course, is linked to the lecture skills units. It includes real lectures from University of Cambridge by lecturers in their fields. Thus the students are provided authentic practice in listening to lectures and note-taking. The Class Audio CD gives students listening practice and strategies to participate in tutorials and group work.


Zalety naszych kursów:Zalety naszych kursów